Get Info for Teens
Sexual and reproductive health care is just as important for teens as it is for adults! We've included information below to help you make informed decisions about your health. Learn more about your rights and options, and visit our resources to get more information or support.
Sexual and reproductive rights for minors in Texas are complicated, but you DO have rights!
With or without parental consent, teens under 18 have the right to:
- Purchase condoms, OTC emergency contraception, and Opill at any store, pharmacy, or online
- Receive free OTC emergency contraception from organizations like Every Body Texas
- Access testing and treatment for STIs at any clinic
With parental consent only, teens under 18 have the right to:
- Seek prescription birth control services at any clinic (including Title X clinics)
- Seek prescription emergency contraception, such as IUDs and ella, at any clinic (including Title X clinics)
Minors (under 18) can still access over-the-counter emergency contraception in Texas!
OTC emergency contraception is an oral medication that prevents pregnancy after unprotected sex. Brands include Plan B, E-Contra, My Way, and many others. This a different medication than ella, a type of emergency contraception that can only be obtained with a prescription.
Quick EC facts for teens:
- There is no age requirement to obtain OTC EC
- You do not need parental consent to obtain OTC EC
- You do not need to have a prescription to obtain OTC EC
Accessing Emergency Contraception
You can purchase OTC emergency contraception at pharmacies like CVS or Walgreens, through sites like Amazon or Nurx, and at retailers like HEB.
There are also several organizations in Texas, including Every Body Texas, that will provide you with free emergency contraception if you need it.
To find out more about accessing emergency contraception right away, check out this page.
Want to order free emergency contraception to have on-hand in case of an emergency? Request one of our Repro Kits - it's completely free and we'll mail it directly to you.
Opill, the first OTC birth control pill, is available to teens in Texas!
Opill is an oral birth control pill that is taken daily. It is safe for most people and when used correctly, it is up to 98% effective in preventing pregnancy.
Quick OPill facts for teens:
- There is no age requirement to obtain Opill
- You do not need parental consent to obtain Opill
- You do not need a prescription to obtain Opill
Accessing Opill
Opill typically costs around $20 for a one-month supply, although it depends on the store. You can purchase Opill at pharmacies like CVS or Walgreens, through sites like Amazon, and at retailers like HEB.
To learn more about Opill, go to or check out FAQs at Bedsider.
Resources for Teens
Click on the cards below for more resources to help you make the best decisions for your health.
More Info
If you'd like to learn more about emergency contraception, or just sexual and reproductive health in general, you can go to our EC for Every Body Info page.
Blogs and Articles
You can check out Bedsider for blogs and articles covering everything from types of birth control to sex and relationships.
Crisis Resources
Need help? Visit Jane's Due Process to find crisis resources for teens, such as hotlines and emergency shelters.
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