![NW Dlandingpage Hero FINAL](https://www.everybodytexas.org/uploads/images/general/_heroImage/NWDlandingpageHeroFINAL.jpg)
![NW Dlandingpage Hero FINAL](https://www.everybodytexas.org/uploads/images/general/_heroImage/NWDlandingpageHeroFINAL.jpg)
No Wrong Door Toolkit
A guide to reproductive life goals conversations and sexual and reproductive health referral making for social service organizations
![NW Dlandingpage Hero FINAL](https://www.everybodytexas.org/uploads/images/general/_heroImage/NWDlandingpageHeroFINAL.jpg)
![NW Dlandingpage Hero FINAL](https://www.everybodytexas.org/uploads/images/general/_heroImage/NWDlandingpageHeroFINAL.jpg)
We’ve developed this toolkit to help social service organizations incorporate reproductive life goals (RLG) conversations and quality referrals for clinical sexual and reproductive healthcare (SRH) into their services.
There are two acronyms you'll see a lot throughout this toolkit.
RLG = reproductive life goals
SRH = sexual and reproductive healthcare
SRH is a part of overall health that impacts everyone including the clients you serve. Discussing SRH outside of a healthcare environment normalizes SRH and reduces the stigma commonly associated with talking about it. Clients shouldn’t only be able to have important conversations about their SRH in a clinical space when, or if, they see a doctor. Social service providers are well positioned and have often already developed ongoing and trusting relationships desired by clients to discuss sexual and reproductive health.
This toolkit is for anyone who interacts with clients that may have sexual and reproductive health needs or difficulty accessing healthcare. You might be a direct service provider, a manager of social service providers, or even a volunteer. If you’re interested in talking with clients about sexual and reproductive healthcare, providing referrals to services, or integrating these types of services into existing programs, this toolkit is for you.
How to Use the Toolkit
Depending on your role and the types of services your organization currently provides, you will benefit from focusing on different parts of the toolkit.
The toolkit is designed so you can navigate directly to the information most relevant to you and your organization. The information and tools provided in this toolkit are meant to be adapted to best meet the needs of your unique organization and population.
Navigating the Toolkit
![Navigating the toolkit](https://www.everybodytexas.org/uploads/images/general/navigating.png)
There is a lot of information in this toolkit. To help you navigate these pages be sure to find the orange navigation bar that is near the top of the page. When you are first on the page this navigation bar will appear below the banner image.
As you scroll down, the orange bar will jump to the top of the page and stay there. Click on the links in the orange bar to jump to that section of the page.
To get back to this main page of the toolkit, just hit the back button on your browser, or click the yellow button at the bottom of the page that says "NWD Toolkit Homepage."
The No Wrong Door Toolkit
Having Reproductive Life Goals Conversations
Reproductive Life Goals Conversations in Non-Clinical Settings
In this section, we’ll introduce the concept of reproductive life goals conversations and provide information, job aids, and resources on how to have culturally informed reproductive life goals conversations with clients. We’ll discuss how to promote reproductive autonomy and client-centeredness and share how to continue the conversation once you’ve learned if a client is trying to get pregnant, prevent pregnancy, is unsure/okay either way, or has other sexual and reproductive health goals. This section is geared towards direct service providers and those training or managing direct service providers.
Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare 101
Anyone engaging clients in RLG conversations needs a basic understanding of sexual and reproductive health and to have reliable sources on hand for more in-depth information. Because there are so many fantastic resources available for learning about sexual and reproductive health, in this section of the toolkit we provide a brief overview of the basics, and share our favorite resources for learning more.
Making Quality Referrals
Developing a Referral System for Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare Services
Quality referrals to SRH services that align with client goals and values is a goal of RLG conversations. In this section, we share how to create a referral system and integrate it into current programs. This section also includes information on building a referral network, what's involved in making quality referrals, the STAR model, and considerations for specific populations.
Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare Coverage in Texas
To provide effective referrals, staff need to have a basic understanding of state and locally funded healthcare systems and the types of resources available for uninsured clients. These can include Title X clinics, Medicaid, FQHCs, and state-based programs. In this section, you can find an overview of public programs that provide SRH in Texas and clinic finders for each program.
Developing a Plan
We’ve created a mini e-learning course primarily geared towards administrators or program planners but useful for anyone interested in learning how to integrate or improve RLG conversations and SRH referrals in their organization. The course provides a step by step guide on how to get started and develop an actionable plan, and provides an overview of the training needs for each component of RLG conversations and SRH referrals.
Below, we've provided a list of all the research and resources we consulted in making this toolkit. This list primarily includes texts that are not otherwise linked in the rest of the toolkit.
The content on this page was written and reviewed in June 2023.