The PATH Framework
The PATH Framework
Created by Patty Cason, RN, MS, FNP-BC, the PATH Framework elicits a lot of information quickly to determine a client’s reproductive goals. This approach is useful in a clinical setting where time with clients is limited but centering the client’s experience is valued.
The PATH Framework is endorsed by the Reproductive Health National Training Center and has been utilized as part of a state-wide initiative in Utah and adopted as a best practice by the Health Department of Nashville, Tennessee and Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties.
The PATH Framework to contraceptive counseling means assessing a client for:
Parenting / Pregnancy Attitudes
Do you think you might like to have (more) children at some point?
When do you think that might be?
How important?
How important is it to you to prevent pregnancy (until then)?
The PATH Framework website offers a more in-depth exploration of use for providers wishing to learn more.
PATH follow up questions include:
- "Since you have said_____ would you like to talk about ways to be prepared for a healthy pregnancy?"
- "Do you have a sense of what’s important to you about your birth control?"
- "How would that be for you?"
- "Has that ever happened before?"
- "How did you manage it?"
The PATH Framework in Practice
This video is a compilation of various situations and questions providers use when counseling clients using the PATH framework. Watch the PATH Framework in practice with this video compilation that includes commentary and instructions.
The video below has multiple scenarios and examples. It might be helpful to bookmark this page and come back to it as needed.
Tools for Clinic Staff
For providers and other clinic staff interested in adopting the PATH Framework the tools linked below are helpful, quick tools to assist in clinical implementation.
Client-Centered Reproductive Goals and Counseling Flow Chart
This job aid can help Title X clinic staff discuss reproductive goals during client visits. The PATH questions are one client-centered approach to assess Parenthood/Pregnancy Attitude, Timing, and How important is pregnancy prevention. PATH can be used with clients of any gender, sexual orientation, or age. PATH is designed to facilitate listening and efficient client-centered conversations about preconception care, contraception, and fertility, as appropriate.
Efficient Questions for Client-Centered Contraceptive Counseling Palm Card
Asking about Parenthood/Pregnancy Attitude, Timing, and How important is pregnancy prevention (PATH) is an efficient approach for engaging clients in a conversation to help clarify their reproductive goals and needs. This palm card is designed to fit in a pocket and be used as a quick-reference guide during client visits.
The content on this page was last reviewed and updated in October 2023.
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