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Policy Priorities

87th Texas Legislature

Protecting and expanding access to sexual and reproductive healthcare

At Every Body Texas, we believe that all people deserve access to safe, unbiased, high-quality sexual and reproductive healthcare services. We advocate for policies and investments in communities across Texas that increase access to care for all people. Our policy priorities for the 87th Texas Legislature are informed by our organization’s values and include three areas of focus. 

Policy PrioritiesFinal Bill List (June 24, 2021)Statement on End of Session

Support the Safety Net

  • What We're Advocating

    Prioritize critical safety net healthcare programs including Healthy Texas Women and the Family Planning Program.

  • Why it Matters

    Title X providers supported by Every Body Texas also participate in state-funded women’s health programs and rely on these critical revenue sources to offer robust healthcare services to their clients and communities. Without adequate funding, safety net clinics will be forced to reduce operations or close—and access to sexual and reproductive healthcare will be lost. Cutting funding for healthcare services will doubly injure Texans.

  • Final Bill List (6/24/2021)

    Bill Number




    HB 1

    Rep. Greg Bonnen

    Providing appropriations for the 2022-2023 biennium

    Included in SB1, the bill vehicle that became the state budget.

    HB 320

    Rep. Donna Howard

    Providing for the creation of Women’s Health Advisory Committee

    Referred to House Public Health

    HB 3825

    Rep. Ana-Maria Ramos

    Expanding access to women’s health care services

    Referred to House Public Health

    SB 1

    Sen. Jane Nelson

    Providing appropriations for the 2022-2023 biennium

    6/18/2021 – Signed by the Governor. Certain line items vetoed. Earliest effective date, 9/1/2021.

    SB 1722

    Sen. Sarah Eckhardt

    Expanding access to women’s health care services

    Referred to Senate Health and Human Services

Healthcare Coverage

  • What We're Advocating

    Address healthcare coverage gaps by extending Medicaid coverage for new moms from 60 days to one year postpartum and accepting federal Medicaid funding to offer insurance to low-income adults in Texas.

  • Why It Matters

    Title X providers supported by Every Body Texas serve thousands of uninsured Texans with lower incomes each year. Millions of Texans have been left without affordable healthcare options, including those who lost job-based coverage during the pandemic. It is critical for state leaders to reduce the number of uninsured Texans to ensure that our health and economy recover. We all deserve a healthy future.

  • Final Bill List (6/24/2021)

    Bill Number




    HB 98

    Rep. Lina Ortega

    Providing for extended postpartum Medicaid coverage

    Referred to House Human Services

    HB 107

    Rep. Senfronia Thompson

    Providing for extended postpartum Medicaid coverage

    Referred to House Human Services

    HB 131

    Rep. Diego Bernal

    Providing for expanded eligibility for Medicaid + a Medicaid Buy-in for Certain Children

    Referred to House Appropriations

    HB 133

    Rep. Toni Rose

    Providing for extended postpartum Medicaid coverage

    Senate committee substitute:

    • Changed from 12 month to 6 months postpartum coverage.
    • Includes Healthy Texas Women administration by managed care organizations from SB 1149

    6/15/2021 – Signed by the Governor. Earliest effective date, 9/1/2021.

    HB 146

    Rep. Shawn Thierry

    Providing for extended postpartum Medicaid coverage

    Referred to House Human Services

    HB 171

    Rep. Diego Bernal

    Providing for expanded eligibility for Medicaid

    Referred to House Appropriations

    HB 389

    Rep. Celia Israel

    Providing for expanded eligibility for Medicaid

    Referred to House Appropriations

    HB 398

    Rep. John Bucy

    Providing for expanded eligibility for Medicaid

    Referred to House Appropriations

    HB 414

    Rep. Armando Walle

    Providing for extended postpartum Medicaid coverage

    Referred to House Human Services

    HB 509

    Rep. Michelle Beckley

    Providing for expanded eligibility for Medicaid

    Referred to House Appropriations

    HB 734

    Rep. Jessica Gonzalez

    Providing for Medicaid coverage for certain pregnant people

    Referred to House Appropriations

    HB 3871

    Rep. Julie Johnson

    Providing for the Live Well Texas program to provide health benefit coverage to certain individuals

    Referred to House Human Services

    HB 4406

    Rep. Ana-Maria Ramos

    Providing for expanded eligibility for Medicaid

    Referred to House Appropriations

    HJR 9

    Rep. Ron Reynolds

    Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring the state to expand eligibility for Medicaid

    Referred to House Appropriations

    HJR 23

    Rep. Celia Israel

    Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring the state to expand eligibility for Medicaid

    Referred to House Appropriations

    HJR 24

    Rep. John Bucy

    Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring the state to expand eligibility for Medicaid

    Referred to House Appropriations

    SB 38

    Sen. Judith Zaffirini

    Providing for expanded eligibility for Medicaid

    Referred to Senate Health and Human Services

    SB 118

    Sen. Nathan Johnson

    Providing for expanded eligibility for Medicaid

    Referred to Senate Health and Human Services

    SB 119

    Sen. Nathan Johnson

    Providing for expanded eligibility for Medicaid

    Referred to Senate Health and Human Services

    SB 141

    Sen. Nathan Johnson

    Providing for extended postpartum Medicaid coverage

    Referred to Senate Health and Human Services

    SB 217

    Sen. Royce West

    Providing for expanded eligibility for Medicaid

    Referred to Senate Health and Human Services

    SB 521

    Sen. Cesar Blanco

    Providing for Medicaid coverage for certain pregnant people

    Referred to Senate Health and Human Services

    SB 1187

    Sen. Carol Alvarado

    Providing for extended postpartum Medicaid coverage

    Referred to Senate Health and Human Services

    SB 1751

    Sen. Nathan Johnson

    Providing for the Live Well Texas program to provide health benefit coverage to certain individuals

    Referred to Senate Business and Commerce

    SJR 11

    Sen. Judith Zaffirini

    Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring the state to expand eligibility for Medicaid

    Referred to Senate Health and Human Services

    SJR 14

    Sen. Nathan Johnson

    Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring the state to expand eligibility for Medicaid

    Referred to Senate Health and Human Services

    SJR 15

    Sen. Carol Alvarado

    Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring the state to expand eligibility for Medicaid

    Referred to Senate Health and Human Services

Provider + Program Flexibilities

  • What We are Advocating

    Maintain and adopt new flexibilities that promote increased access to sexual and reproductive healthcare services, including telehealth.

  • Why It Matters

    To stay on the leading edge of sexual and reproductive healthcare, Title X providers supported by Every Body Texas need state leaders to adopt policies that promote access to care during and after the pandemic. Healthcare coverage without access is meaningless.

  • Final Bill List (6/24/2021)

    Bill Number




    HB 4

    Rep. Four Price

    Relating to telemedicine, telehealth, and technology-related health care services

    6/15/2021 – Signed by the Governor. Earlies effective date, 6/15/2021.

    HB 105

    Rep. Lina Ortega

    Relating to the use of promotoras and community health workers in Medicaid managed care

    Passed the House on 5/4/2021; Referred to Senate Health and Human Services on 5/17/2021

    HB 158

    Rep. Shawn Thierry

    Providing for Medicaid coverage for doula services

    Passed the House on 5/4/2021; Referred to Senate Health and Human Services on 5/13/2021

    HB 296

    Rep. Nicole Collier

    Providing for parenting minors to consent to contraceptive care

    Referred to House Public Health

    HB 415

    Rep. Armando Walle

    Providing for Medicaid coverage for doula services

    Referred to House Public Health

    HB 420

    Rep. Carl Sherman

    Providing for the creation of a task force on maternal mortality in African American women

    Referred to House Public Health

    HB 515

    Rep. Tom Oliverson

    Relating to reimbursement and payment for certain telemedicine and telehealth services

    Referred to House Insurance

    HB 522

    Rep. Julie Johnson

    Relating to reimbursement and payment for certain telemedicine and telehealth services

    Referred to House Insurance

    HB 835

    Rep. Donna Howard

    Providing for contraceptive coverage in CHIP

    Referred to House Public Health

    HB 980

    Rep. Art Fierro

    Relating to reimbursement and payment for certain telemedicine and telehealth services

    Reported favorably as substituted from House Insurance on 5/7/21; Set on the House Calendar on 5/13/2021

    HB 1722

    Rep. Vikki Goodwin

    Relating to reimbursement and payment for certain telemedicine and telehealth services

    Referred to House Insurance

    HB 2651

    Rep. Jessica Gonzalez

    Requiring insurers to cover up to a 12-month contraception supply

    Committee action pending after House Insurance hearing on 4/20/2021

    HB 2685

    Rep. Shawn Thierry

    Providing for a pilot program to provide Medicaid coverage for doula services

    Referred to House Human Services

    HB 4144

    Rep. Garnet Coleman

    Providing for coverage of postpartum depression screening and treatment in CHIP perinatal

    Referred to House Public Health

    SB 136

    Sen. Nathan Johnson

    Relating to the use of promotoras and community health workers in Medicaid managed care

    Referred to Senate Health and Human Services

    SB 218

    Sen. Nathan Johnson

    Providing for coverage of postpartum depression screening and treatment in CHIP perinatal

    Referred to Senate Health and Human Services

    SB 228

    Sen. Cesar Blanco

    Relating to reimbursement and payment for certain telemedicine and telehealth services

    Referred to Senate Business and Commerce

    SB 412

    Sen. Dawn Buckingham

    Relating to telemedicine, telehealth, and technology-related health care services

    Committee action pending after Senate Health and Human Services on 3/23/2021

    SB 428

    Sen. Borris Miles

    Providing for the automatic enrollment of certain women in the Healthy Texas Women program

    Referred to Senate Health and Human Services

    SB 536

    Sen. Sarah Eckhardt

    Providing for parenting minors to consent to contraceptive care + for recently pregnant minors to consent to postpartum care

    Referred to Senate Health and Human Services

    SB 1149

    Sen. Lois Kolkhorst

    Requiring the transition of Healthy Texas Women program services to a managed care program

    Included in Senate committee substitute for HB 133.

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